
Cardiac Rehabilitation and EECP Symposia organized by the Great Wall - International Cardiology Congress (GW-ICC) at the UVCCS Meeting in Antalya, Turkey



Dear Friends, The following announcement about the Symposia organized by the GW-ICC on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) Therapy at the 14th International Update in  Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery to be held in Antalya, Turkey April 5-8, 2018.has been posted on  the International EECP Society (IEECPS) website and the IEECPS Facebook page. The Great Wall  International Congress of Cardiology to Host Symposia on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Enhanced External  Counterpulsation (EECP) in Association With the 14th International Update in Cardiology and  Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, Turkey. On Friday, April 5th, 2018 the Great Wall International  Congress of Cardiology (GW-ICC) will host a symposia on Cardiac Rehabilitation and EECP Therapy in  conjunction with the 14th International Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery to be held in  Antalya, Turkey April 5-8, 2018. Topics will include:Cardiac Rehabilitation: Current Status and Future Trends in China – Dr. Dayi HuBenefit of Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Treating Ischemic Heart Disease Patients with  Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Dr. Ivan ShashenkovEECP – The Effective Physical Therapy in Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease – Dr. Tiantlun YangThe Physiological Effect of EECP on the Cardiovascular System – Dr. Fouad GhalyThe Application of EECP in Cardiac Rehabilitation – Dr. Shaunli XinEECP: A Chance to Maintain Health in Cardiovascular Disease States – Dr. Gunsel AvciPatients Club: A Good Way to Improve Cardiac Rehabilitation Adherence – Dr. Xiaoping Meng- Aerobic Exercise Combined with EECP is an Effective Means for Cardiac Rehabilitation – Dr. Hui  ZhangFor presentation times or more information go to: http://www.uccvs2018.org/ 


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